Arcipèlago is thrilled to present the work of textile artist Fabia Delise. The essence of her practice lies in its particularly long process that makes each of her artwork an adventure and a stupefying challenge. Her art quilts consists of assembling by hand a large series of hexagonal pieces of fabric, previously sewn on a paper support. This unique and very personal practice offer a three-dimensional sculptural shape, where light and chiaroscuro, surface and depth, bound and unbound are constantly playing together. Following the idea of a “charged object” Delise imbues her work with the energy of moments past, mixing ancestral techniques, old fabrics, travels, and reminiscences. Each piece explores the very idea that fabrics are capable of resonating with traces of lives lived. They operate as vestiges, vibrate with the energy of the moment, and mark the passage of a dilated time. Looking at Delise’s artworks, one can easily understand how materials have the power to transform into something much greater, unforeseen, and enigmatic. Into objects of a silent beauty that contain an entire world.
The ten artworks by Fabia Delise are accompanied by large-scale prints by photographer Massimo Gardone who dove himself into Fabia’s world to extract spectacular and almost pictorial details. A show within the show and a wonderful occasion to make these two forms of art dialoguing.
download the press kit
installation images by Matteo Lavazza Seranto
artworks details by Massimo Gardone