
For our very first exhibition we have not set ourselves any limits, neither thematic nor artistic language, in order to create a nest of possibilities, an archipelago of imaginary and explore the creative act in total freedom. Everything we love can coexist, and from the accumulation comes poetry.

On show 24 artists and creatives whose path has crossed ours, either in the work on in personal life. With photographs of Gianni Antoniali, Barbara Cignolini, Massimo Crivellari, Artemio Croatto, Maris Croatto, Fabio Cussigh, Massimo Gardone, Matteo Lavazza Seranto, Elisa Moro, Silvia di Natale, Alessandro Paderni, Laura Tessaro, Flavie Trichet Lespagnol, Gianluca Vassallo; paintings by Léna Chalazonitis and Ola Odzioba; illustrations by Giovanna Durì, Makis Malafekas and Erika Pittis; graphic design by Roberto Duse; ceramics by Sonia Armellin and Studio Terrae; sculptures by Carlo Cumini and Robby Cantarutti; assemblage by Paolo Toffolutti.

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